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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail? 

Purchased by three municipalities – County of Renfrew, County of Lanark, and Township of Papineau-Camerson – the trail is roughly 300 kms in length and runs from near Smiths Falls to near Mattawa.

Do I need a permit to ride my ATV on the Trail?

New this year is the requirement for a permit on the Renfrew County section of the OVRT. ATV trail permits have always been in place for the Lanark section of the OVRT. The Ontario Federation All Terrain Vehicle (OFATV) permit gives you access to a wide range of trail systems throughout Ontario, not just the OVRT. The online map showing all OFATV Trails can be found here:

Through the current lease agreement between the County of Renfrew and RCATV, a small portion of proceeds from every RCATV selected permit goes towards the County for maintenance on recreational trails, which include the Algonquin Trail and the K & P Recreational Trail.

What is the width of the gates on the Algonquin trail?

The width of all gates on the Algonquin Trail is 84 inches. Please note that the K & P Trail has some smaller gates at 80 inches wide. 


Where to buy an ATV permit?

ATV permits for the OVRT can be purchased online at

When purchasing your permit, make sure you select Renfrew County ATV (RCATV) as your Club of Choice, since OFATV will allocate the majority of the permit funds to the chosen local club.  Through the current lease agreement between the County of Renfrew and RCATV, a small portion of proceeds from every RCATV selected permit goes towards the County for maintenance on recreational trails, which include the Algonquin Trail and the K & P Recreational Trail.

When is the trail open to ATVs?

The opening day for ATVs on the Renfrew County section of the trail (also known as the Algonquin Trail) is May 1st. The Lease Agreement between the County of Renfrew and Renfrew County ATV (RCATV) Club stipulates that permitted ATV shall be allowed on the trail from May 1st until November 30th.  This May 1st date is enforced for a few reasons:

  • Through the Agreement, liability insurance comes into effect on May 1st;

  • May 1st allows for maintenance to occur along the trail after Snowmobile season has come to an end and before it becomes busier with ATVs;

  • May 1st allows frost to leave the ground and for all sections of the trail to dry properly, significantly reducing the risk of rutting and potholes from ATV use.


*Please note* Lanark County has a different opening day for ATVs on their section of trail. Please see their website annually for notice about their ATV opening day.


What is the Algonquin Trail?

The Algonquin Trail is the Renfrew County portion of the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail.

The Algonquin Trail takes off where the Lanark section stops, near Arnprior. For reference sake, it starts roughly where the hydro dam is along the Madawaska River.From there, it travels through several towns and hamlets, through a slight detour in Garrison Petawawa, and onwards past Deux Rivières, to the Township of Papineau-Cameron border where that municipality’s trail section takes over. A link to the map can be found on this website.

When will the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail be completed?

In ever-increasing numbers, Ontarians of all ages are choosing to hike, ski, cycle, horseback ride or snowmobile and ATV along trails. The Trail will take several years to develop fully – it’s a long and costly endeavour. Each year, several sections will receive upgrades that may include brushing, grading, signage, gating, and surface treatment.The “urban” areas will see activity first, then building out from those centres. There are several structures (i.e. bridges) that will need proper decking and railings before the trail becomes completely open to the public. With limited annual budget, we will maximize partnerships, sponsorships, and external funding agencies to assist in completion of the Trail.

Users are encouraged to review open sections on the interactive map (CLICK HERE).

Who will be using the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail?

The Ottawa Valley Recreation Trail is a 4-season multi-use trail, open to all users (except for motor vehicles; trucks, cars).It is governed by a Management Plan and regulated by By-Law.Those documents are available

All users are asked to respect Trail Etiquette and to share the trail.

How will the Ottawa Valley Recreation Trail be managed?

The 3 municipal partners have developed and adopted a Trail Management Plan deals with most issues.  A living document, the Management Plan will serve as a basis for dealing with conflicts, uses, development, and more.  A by-law regulating use of the trail will be past by the 3 partners.

The Management Plan is available by CLICKING HERE 

Where can I stay when I travel the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail?

Users are encouraged to visits local tourism websites for update accommodation information, along with details about events, restaurants, and more!

Ottawa Valley Tourist Association -

Lanark County Tourism -

Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization -

Voyageur Country -

When will construction get to my neighbourhood?

Please consult with your local municipality or county. We suggest that abutters remove any personal property of value from the corridor well in advance of construction work reaching their neighbourhood. The contractor may remove and discard items that are in the path of construction on short notice.


Can I walk on the trail during construction?

We ask that you stay away from areas with active construction. Once the construction begins on the trail it is classified as a work zone. Incursions by the general public will be regarded as a safety hazard and you will be asked to leave. In addition, activity on the trail surface after it has been graded may require it to be re-graded, unnecessarily adding delay and cost to the project.

How can I deal with trespassing on my farm property adjacent to the Trail?

Trespassing on private property is an ongoing concern for Ontario farmers. The following resource provides helpful tips and considerations that farmers and rural landowners can use in dealing with the issue of trespassing.


How can I volunteer to do work on the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail?

Please contact the associated municipality for opportunities:

County of Lanark at 613-267-4200

County of Renfrew at 613-735-3204

Township of Papineau-Cameron at 705-744-5610


Will all of the abandoned rail lines in the County of Renfrew become trails?

The County of Renfrew Council has a resolution to explore all discontinued rail corridors for future purposes.At this point, discussions are ongoing with respect to the CN Rail corridor from the Ottawa River/Quebec border to the Algonquin Park border.The County of Renfrew currently manages the K&P Trail, a former CP Rail corridor that stretches from Renfrew to Calabogie.

In Lanark County, the County owns over 4,638 hectares (11,460 acres) of Community Forests. Trails are important to people and communities in a wide variety of ways. Trails can help improve our health and fitness, our economy, and our transportation needs; and help connect us with our environment, our heritage and each other. The Lanark County Municipal Trails Corporation meet on the third Monday of each month, excluding July.

For more information, CLICK HERE


What is the Ottawa Valley Cycling and Active Transportation Alliance (OVCATA)?

OVCATA is a voice for cyclists and all active transportation enthusiasts in the Ottawa Valley, advocating for safety and good conditions, bringing people together, and encouraging participation.

For more information, visit

How does the trail feed into the Provincial cycling network?

Work is ongoing to include the Ottawa Valley Recreational Trail as a safe alternative to the on-road routes currently established throughout Ontario.  Future upgrades to make the entire trail cycle-friendly will be dependent on funding, but the routes are already established in many places.

For more information, visit

Work also continues to include the trail as a part of the Voyageur Cycling Route, bridging Northern Ontario with Eastern Ontario.

For more information, visit

What ATV clubs are located near the trail?

Renfrew County ATV Club (RCATV) is an incorporated not-for-profit organization, comprised entirely of dedicated volunteers, whose vision is to be a premier ATV destination by enhancing the rider experience with the most extensive and scenic trail network in Ontario. Their focus is on enhancing safety and accessibility for all levels of rider and encouraging group, family and tour riding in partnership with local property owners, tourism operators and municipalities. For information on how you can support RCATV in their goals, become a member or volunteer please contact Renfrew County ATV Club at or visit them at ,

The Ottawa Valley ATV Club is a member club of the Ontario Federation of All Terrain Vehicle Clubs, and focuses their activity in the Lanark County section. Objectives of the Club are to promote safe and responsible, ATV riding in Ontario. To help develop and maintain trails. To help to develop and promote ATVing as a sport.  The Core Values of the Club are Value our sponsors, have fun, ride safely, be family oriented, maintain a high level of professionalism and manage activities in an organized manner.

For more information, visit 


What is SnowCountry Snowmobile Region?

Snow Country Snowmobile Region is dedicated to providing leadership and support to our OFSC District 6 snowmobile clubs, to establish and maintain quality snowmobile trails throughout the region in conjunction with its member clubs, that will be used in a safe and environmentally responsible manner to further promote the enjoyment of snowmobiling.

Snow Country Snowmobile Region clubs include BonnTrae (Deacon), Calabogie & District (Calabogie/Arnprior), Eganville Sno-Drifters (Eganville), Griffith-Matawatchan Sno-Dusters (Griffith), Haliburton County S/A (Haliburton/Minden), Keetna Snowmobile Club (Petawawa), Maple Leaf Snow Skimmers (Lake St Peter/Bancroft), Missing Link (Stonecliffe/Deux Rivières), North Renfrew S/A (Deep River), Opeongo Snowbirds (Barry's Bay/Whitney), Peterson Pathfinders (Combermere), Snow Road (Ompah, Perth), Timberline (Pembroke), and Whitewater Sno-Goers (Cobden/Renfrew).

Snow Country Snowmobile Region and our clubs are members in good standing with the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC). Visit


Who do I contact in the case of a non-emergency public safety issue, or in the case of a maintenance issue?

County of Lanark

613-267-4200 or

County of Renfrew

613-735-7288 ext 464 or

Township of Papineau-Cameron

705-744-5610 or

If you have any questions that you would like addressed, please email If deemed appropriate, your question and an answer will be added to this list.

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